Changeset 34

Sep 1, 2001, 12:36:40 AM (24 years ago)

Imported ASMA 2.1

141 added
7 deleted
32 edited
21 moved


  • trunk/asma/Docs/Asma.txt

    r32 r34  
    1616                            Atari SAP Music Archive
    17                                   Version 2.0
     17                                  Version 2.1
    1919                         Started on 4th of August 1999
    20                        Last updated on 4th of August 2001
     20                      Last updated on 31th of August 2001
    22                       Total number of tunes: 1055 (70 new)
     22                      Total number of tunes: 1181 (131 new)
    3333 Statistics
    3434 ~~~~~~~~~~
    35  Number of tunes:      1055 (1397 including subtunes)
    36  Compared to HVSC:     6.7% (HVSC v4.1 contains 15808 tunes)
    37  Disk space ocupied:   5616279 bytes (excluding Docs folder)
    38  Average SAP filesize: 5323 bytes
    39  Unsorted tunes:       74
    40  Number of musicians:  64
    41  Most active musician: Grzegorz Kwiatek    (75 tunes)
     35 Number of tunes:      1181 (1581 including subtunes)
     36 Compared to HVSC:     7.5% (HVSC v4.1 contains 15808 tunes)
     37 Disk space ocupied:   6552742 bytes (6458873 bytes excluding Docs folder)
     38 Average SAP filesize: 5469 bytes
     39 Songs with subsongs:  129
     40 Unsorted tunes:       69
     41 Number of musicians:  72
     42 Most active musician: Lukasz Sychowicz    (76 tunes)
    4243 Biggest SAP tune: (61547 bytes)
    4344 Smallest SAP tune:       (150 bytes)
    4445 Files with subtunes:
    45   2 tunes: 34x
    46   3 tunes: 21x
    47   4 tunes: 20x
    48   5 tunes: 16x
    49   6 tunes:  6x
     46  2 tunes: 36x
     47  3 tunes: 28x
     48  4 tunes: 23x
     49  5 tunes: 21x
     50  6 tunes:  7x
    5051  7 tunes:  4x
    5152  8 tunes:  2x
    52   9 tunes:  1x
     53  9 tunes:  2x
    5354 10 tunes:  1x
    5455 11 tunes:  2x
    6869 (or an ATR/XFD disk image) with the original piece of software with that
    6970 tune. Mail any such information to Our aim is to completely
    70  annihilate the 'Unsorted' directory :-)
     71 annihilate the unrecognized tunes.
    7374 For contributors
    7475 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    75  If you want to send me some tunes, they must be already converted to SAP
     76 If you want to send me some tunes, they should be already converted to SAP
    7677 format and should include all the information needed (author, name, date,
    7778 number of songs). If you're unsure about any information needed, you can
    7879 send me the music as well, maybe we can find the info together. If you don't
    7980 know how to create SAP files, send me the binary file with the INIT and PLAY
    80  addresses and memory location where the tune has to be loaded. See SAP.TXT
     81 addresses and memory location where the tune has to be loaded. See Sap.txt
    8182 for SAP format description. The filenames must not be longer than 26
    8283 characters (plus .sap) e.g.:
    8485 12345678901234567890123456.123
    8586 - all right
    86 - wrong!
     87 - wrong!
    8889 Because of compatibility reasons only characters 'A..Z', 'a..z', and '0..9'
    9394 Creator & Contributors
    9495 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     96 (in ABC order)
    9598 Mr. Bacardi
    9699 Tamas Bene (<?> of Hard)
    97100 Adam Bienias (SoTe of Slight)
    98  Zdenek Eisenhammer (PG of Unreal)
     101 Zdenek Eisenhammer (PG)
    99102 Piotr Fusik (Fox of Taquart)
    100103 Michal Garbaciak (Dracon of Taquart)
    108111 Contact
    109112 ~~~~~~~
    110  E-mail:
    111  ICQ:      66411804
    112  Homepage:
     113 E-mail:
     114 ICQ:          66411804
     115 Homepage: (alias
     116 Czech mirror:
  • trunk/asma/Docs/Bugs.txt

    r32 r34  
    22Classics\Gilmore_Adam\ - tune 0 doesn't exist (silence)
    33Classics\Munns_Richard\ - tune doesn't play first note (drum)
    4 Classics\Whittaker_David\ - subtunes missing
    54Demos\ - strange noise after tune end
    65Games\Classic\ - sample at the beginning is missing
    76Games\Classic\ - tune falls out of synch after about 0:35
    87Unsorted\ - tune plays wrong after repeating
    9 Various\ - rogue note at the beginning
     8Various\Hard_Software\ - rogue note at the beginning
    109Various\Hard_Software\ - rogue note at the beginning
    1110Various\Husak_Jakub\ - strange note at the end of subsong #1
    1312Various\Kwiatek_Grzegorz\ - tune plays twice as fast after repeating
    1413Various\Liebich_Tomasz\ - tune 0 doesn't exist (distorted sounds)
     14Various\Majewski_Tomasz\ - tune doesn't reinit well after repeating
  • trunk/asma/Docs/Composers.txt

    r32 r34  
    1 Known Atari composers and handles                                 Jul 18 2001
     1Known Atari composers and handles                                 Aug 31 2001
    33This list contains only composers who have at least 3 songs in ASMA
    44collection. The composers are sorted in ABC order according to their surnames
    5 (if known, otherwise by their handles). There are 64 composers in this list.
     5(if known, otherwise by their handles). There are 72 composers in this list.
    77Badkowski, Marek - Bac
    88Bienias, Adam - SoTe
     9Bloszko, Marek - Markus
    910Brooke, Jason C.
    10 Bruenninski, Uwe - Hu Soft
     11Bruenninski, Uwe - Hu-Soft
     12Bryla, Krzysztof - Woppie, Foster
     13Cierkonski, Michal - Morgoth
    1114Cornelius, Orall
    1215Czartynski, Marcin - Cedyn
    1518Drozdowski, Marek - Marucha
    1619Duesterhoeft, Stephan - Benjy
    17 <?> - Flash
    1820Galinski, Adrian - Daxey
    1921Gilmore, Adam
    20 <?> - Gnome Design
    2122Golewski Filip, - Zoltar X
    2223Grad, Jacek - Tabu
     24Grzyb, Janusz
    2325Gwozdziej, Mirek - Zur-soft 1/2
    2426<?> - Hard Software
    2830Kalinowski, Bartosz - Bartman
    2931Karwacki, Jakub - Yezus
     32Kielczyk, Piotr - Pet
    3033Krawczyk, Adam
     34Kucharski, Konrad - Kuchara
    3135Kucisz, Tomasz - VLX
    3236Kuczek, Konrad
    4044Majewski, Jerzy - Zur-soft 2/2
    4145Majewski, Tomasz - Mayonez
     46Makara, Grzegorz
    4247Makowski, Robert - Gutek
    43 <?> - Marcys
    4448Martin, Aleksander - Alex
    4549Matyasik, Krzysztof - Mateoos
    46 <?> - Morgoth
     50Mrozowski, Robert
    4751Munns, Richard
    4852Numan, Daniel - Zbx Virus
    5054Padula, Jaroslaw - Solo
    5155Pelc, Janusz
    52 <?> - Pet
     56Pesout, Marek
    5357Podedworny, Wojtek - Ferro
    5458Pucimski, Rafal - Dex
    5559Radecki, Michal - Tehno
    5660Radzikowski, Ireneusz - Jager
     61Roszkowski, Marek - Marcys
    5762<?> - Ramzes
     63Skowiniak, Krystian - Pinokio
    5864Skwiot, Stanislaw - Stanley
    5965Sterba, Radek - RASTER
    6268Szmatola, Krysztof
    6369Szpilowski, Michal - Miker
    64 Szymczuk, Daniel
     70Szymczuk, Daniel - Lorien
    6571<?> - Top Odin
     72Tegethoff, Sven - Gnome Design
    6673Trokowicz, B.
    6774Vogt, Dariusz - DJ V
    6976Wasilewski, Dariusz - Trener
    7077Whittaker, David
     78Witkiewicz, Dariusz - Flash
  • trunk/asma/Docs/STIL.txt

    r32 r34  
    1 # STIL v1.0 - SAP Tune Information List
    2 # The fileformat is 100% HVSC STIL compatible
     3#  STIL v2.1 - SAP Tune Information List
     4#  The fileformat is 100% HVSC STIL compatible
     5#  Total number of entries: 122
    47### Orall Corneliuss #########################################################
    1417### Rob Hubbard ##############################################################
    16 /Hubbard_Rob/
    1720COMMENT: All of these tunes have been confirmed by Rob Hubbard to be his.
    1821         Hubbard's own comments are denoted by (RH).
    4952 ARTIST: <?>
     55  TITLE: Domino Dancing [from Introspective]
     56 ARTIST: Pet Shop Boys
    5259  TITLE: Neunundneunzig (99) Luftballons
    119126### Unsorted #################################################################
    121 /Unsorted/
    122 COMMENT: Last Party '99 music compo entry.
    150154 ARTIST: The Beatles
    152 /Unsorted/
    153 COMMENT: Last Party '99 music compo entry.
    155 /Unsorted/
    156 COMMENT: Last Party '99 music compo entry.
    159157COMMENT: Lato Ludzikow 2000 music compo entry.
    162160COMMENT: Lato Ludzikow 2000 music compo entry.
    164 /Unsorted/
     163  TITLE: Spellbound
     164 ARTIST: Rob Hubbard
     167COMMENT: Lato Ludzikow 2000 music compo entry.
     170COMMENT: Lato Ludzikow 2001 music compo entry.
     173  TITLE: Oxygene 4 [from Oxygene]
     174 ARTIST: Jean Michel Jarre
     177  TITLE: Turrican 2 - World 1, Tune #3
     178 ARTIST: Chris Huelsbeck
     180### Adam Bienias (SoTe) ######################################################
     183  TITLE: Crazy
     184 ARTIST: Fine Young Cannibals
     187  TITLE: megaforce02 [from the Amiga MOD module]
     188 ARTIST: <?> (Luxor)
     191  TITLE: Ice Machine
     192 ARTIST: Depeche Mode
     194### Adrian Galinski (Daxey) ##################################################
     197COMMENT: 1st place at Shadows Party music compo.
     200COMMENT: 3rd place at Shadows Party music compo.
     203  TITLE: Oxygene 4 [from Oxygene]
     204 ARTIST: Jean Michel Jarre
     206### Marek Drozdowski (Marucha) ###############################################
    165209  TITLE: Shake
    166210 ARTIST: Marek Drozdowski (Marucha)
    167211COMMENT: This cover uses just slightly different sounds.
    169 /Unsorted/
    170   TITLE: Spellbound
    171  ARTIST: Rob Hubbard
    173 /Unsorted/
    174 COMMENT: Lato Ludzikow 2000 music compo entry.
    176 /Unsorted/
    177   TITLE: Oxygene 4 [from Oxygene]
    178  ARTIST: Jean Michel Jarre
    180 /Unsorted/
    181   TITLE: Turrican 2 - World 1, Tune #3
    182  ARTIST: Chris Huelsbeck
    184 ### Adam Bienias #############################################################
    186 /Various/Bienias_Adam/
    187   TITLE: Crazy
    188  ARTIST: Fine Young Cannibals
    190 /Various/Bienias_Adam/
    191   TITLE: megaforce02 [from the Amiga MOD module]
    192  ARTIST: <?> (Luxor)
    194 /Various/Bienias_Adam/
    195   TITLE: Ice Machine
    196  ARTIST: Depeche Mode
    198 ### Adrian Galinski ##########################################################
    200 /Various/Galinski_Adrian/
    201 COMMENT: 1st place at Shadows Party music compo.
    203 /Various/Galinski_Adrian/
    204 COMMENT: 3rd place at Shadows Party music compo.
    206 /Various/Galinski_Adrian/
    207   TITLE: Oxygene 4 [from Oxygene]
    208  ARTIST: Jean Michel Jarre
    210 ### Gnome Design #############################################################
    212 /Various/Gnome_Design/
    213   TITLE: Commando, Tune #2
    214  ARTIST: Rob Hubbard
    216 ### Jacek Grad ###############################################################
     213### Jacek Grad (Tabu) ########################################################
    258255COMMENT: Originally a C64 SID tune "S-Express" with POKEY routine added.
     258COMMENT: Originally a C64 SID tune "Wonderland" with POKEY routine added.
    261261COMMENT: Originally a C64 SID tune "Ace II" with POKEY routine added.
     264COMMENT: Originally a C64 SID tune "Hollywood Poker Pro" with POKEY routine added.
    274277 ARTIST: Kraftwerk
    276 ### Jakub Karwacki ###########################################################
     279### Jakub Karwacki (Yezus) ###################################################
     282COMMENT: Last Party '99 music compo entry.
    282288COMMENT: Lato Ludzikow 2000 music compo entry.
     291COMMENT: Lato Ludzikow 2001 music compo entry.
     293### Tomasz Kucisz (VLX) ######################################################
     296  TITLE: Star Wars Theme [from the movie]
     297 ARTIST: John Williams
    284299### Konrad Kuczek ############################################################
    292307 ARTIST: Phil Collins
    294 ### Grzegorz Kwiatek #########################################################
     309### Grzegorz Kwiatek (Greg) ##################################################
    322337 ARTIST: Matt Gray
    324 ### Robert Makowski #########################################################
     340### Tomasz Majewski (Mayonez) ###############################################
     343  TITLE: Crockett's Theme [from the TV series Miami Vice]
     344 ARTIST: Jan Hammer
     346### Grzegorz Makara #########################################################
     349  TITLE: The Hootchy Kootchy Dance
     350 ARTIST: Sol Bloom
     352### Robert Makowski (Gutek) #################################################
     355  TITLE: Das Boot [from the movie]
     356 ARTIST: Klaus Doldinger
     357COMMENT: Covers the U96 version of this song.
    328361 ARTIST: Enigma
    330 ### Jaroslaw Padula ##########################################################
     364COMMENT: Rush Hours '97 music compo entry.
     366### Aleksander Martin (Alex) #################################################
     369  TITLE: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da [from White Album]
     370 ARTIST: The Beatles
     372### Robert Mrozowski #########################################################
     375  TITLE: Going to California
     376 ARTIST: Led Zeppelin
     379  TITLE: Rock And Roll
     380 ARTIST: Led Zeppelin
     383  TITLE: Stairway To Heaven [from Led Zeppelin IV: Four Symbols]
     384 ARTIST: Led Zeppelin
     386### Daniel Numan (Zbx Virus) #################################################
     389  TITLE: Axel F [from the movie Beverly Hills Cop]
     390 ARTIST: Harold Faltermeyer
     393  TITLE: Crockett's Theme [from the TV series Miami Vice]
     394 ARTIST: Jan Hammer
     397  TITLE: Echoing [from the Amiga MOD module]
     398 ARTIST: Christof Mühlan (Banana)
     401  TITLE: Moonlight Shadow [from Crises]
     402 ARTIST: Mike Oldfield
     404### Jaroslaw Padula (Solo) ###################################################
    342416 ARTIST: Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD)
    344 ### Robert Makowski ##########################################################
    346 /Various/Makowski_Robert/
    347 COMMENT: Rush Hours '97 music compo entry.
    349 ### Aleksander Martin ########################################################
    351 Various/Martin_Aleksander/
    353   TITLE: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da [from White Album]
    354  ARTIST: The Beatles
    356 ### Michal Radecki ###########################################################
     418### Marek Pesout #############################################################
     421  TITLE: Blade Runner (End Titles) [from the movie]
     422 ARTIST: Vangelis
     424### Michal Radecki (Tehno) ###################################################
    360427  TITLE: Imperial March [from the movie Star Wars]
    361428 ARTIST: John Williams
    363 ### Stanislaw Skwiot #########################################################
     430### Krystian Skowiniak (Pinokio) #############################################
     433COMMENT: Last Party '99 music compo entry.
     436COMMENT: Last Party '99 music compo entry.
     439COMMENT: Lato Ludzikow 2001 music compo entry.
     442COMMENT: Lato Ludzikow 2001 music compo entry.
     444### Stanislaw Skwiot (Stanley) ###############################################
    366 <#1)
    367448  TITLE: <?> [from the Amiga MOD module]
    371452 ARTIST: Roxette
    373 ### Radek Sterba #############################################################
     454### Radek Sterba (RASTER) ####################################################
    376457  TITLE: Prave Ted
    377458 ARTIST: Janek Ledecky
     459COMMENT: Covers a song by a popular Czech singer.
    394476COMMENT: Covers only a part of it.
    396 ### Piotr Swierszcz ##########################################################
     478### Piotr Swierszcz (Samurai) ################################################
    400482 ARTIST: Hot Butter
    402 ### Lukasz Sychowicz #########################################################
     484### Lukasz Sychowicz (X-Ray) #################################################
    419501         Lukasz Sychowicz and Piotr Swierszcz.
    421 ### Michal Szpilowski ########################################################
     503### Michal Szpilowski (Miker) ################################################
    435517COMMENT: Silly Venture 2k music compo entry.
     519### Sven Tegethoff (Gnome Design) ############################################
     522  TITLE: Commando, Tune #2
     523 ARTIST: Rob Hubbard
    437525### Top Odin #################################################################
    441529 ARTIST: John Williams
    443 ### Dariusz Wasilewski #######################################################
     531### B. Trokowicz #############################################################
     535  TITLE: Echoing [from the Amiga MOD module]
     536 ARTIST: Christof Mühlan (Banana)
     538### Dariusz Wasilewski (Trener) ##############################################
    451546 ARTIST: <?>
    453 ### Zur-soft #################################################################
     548### Mirek Gwozdziej & Jerzy Majewski (Zur-soft) ##############################
  • trunk/asma/Docs/Sap.txt

    r32 r34  
    11SAP file divides into two parts. First part (in text format) describes
    2 player/music type. Second part (in binary format) contains player and music
    3 data formed into Atari Binary File Format. This format has two bytes header
    4 FF,FF. Next two bytes tell loader, where to load data, and next two bytes
    5 describes where the data end.
    6 Init data block ($02E2,$02E3) is not supported.
    8 A little example:
    10 FF FF 00 20 05 20 01 42 A3 04 D5
    11 \___/ \_________/ \____________/
    12   A        B            C
    14 A - Binary file header identification (always FF FF)
    15 B - Load addres (StartAddr, EndAddr in LO,HI order - $2000 to $2005)
    16 C - Data (that will be loaded from StartAddr)
    18 This example will load values 01,42,A3,04,D5 into memory from $2000 to $2005.
     2player/music type and contains credits for the song. Second part (in binary
     3format) contains player and music data formed into Atari Binary File format.
    21 Player Description format (first part of .sap file)
    22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    23 This description (in text format) is loaded line per line. Each line contains
    24 command with parameters. Other lines which are not recognized are treated as
    25 comment lines. Right now only these commands are supported:
     6First part - text info
     8For identification of the format, it always starts with "SAP" string.
     9After that the credits follow. However, this is not fixed order, just a
     10recommendation. Each line should end with EOL string (0D 0A).
    27    TYPE      - player type
    28    PLAYER    - address of player part which will be executed in 1/50 sec
    29                intervals
    30    MUSIC     - address with data
    31    INIT      - address of player part which will init player
    32    SONGS     - number of songs
    33    DEFSONG   - first song which will be played when .sap will be loaded
    34    FASTPLAY  - number of lines between each call of playing routine (312 by
    35                default, which is one screen - 1/50 of sec.). For example for
    36                double-speed tune put here the value 156 (312/2). 99% of tunes
    37                are single-speed which means that you don't have to define the
    38                FASTPLAY variable for them. Works for player TYPE "B".
     12Credits tags:
     13AUTHOR "" - Name of composer. For ASMA purposes, the name should consist of
     14            real name and nickname (scene handle) in parentheses. No scene
     15            group allowed. If song was composed by more authors, use "&".
     16            Examples:
     17            AUTHOR "Dariusz Duma (Dhor)"
     18            AUTHOR "Lukasz Sychowicz (X-Ray) & Piotr Swierszcz (Samurai)"
     19NAME "" - Song title. No restrictions, except for it shouldn't contain
     20          quotation marks. Use apostroph instead.
     21          Example:
     22          NAME "Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge"
     23DATE "" - Copyright year. If exact date is known, it can also be included in
     24          DD/MM/YYYY format.
     25          Examples:
     26          DATE "1986"
     27          DATE "28/08/1997"
     28          DATE "12/2000"
    40 commands PLAYER, MUSIC, INIT contain addresses in hexadecimal format:
     30After that the player info follows:
     31TYPE      - player type
     32PLAYER    - address of player part which will be executed in 1/50 sec
     33            intervals (or as definet with FASTPLAY)
     34MUSIC     - address with music data (for type C)
     35INIT      - address of player part which will init player (for all types
     36            except C)
     37SONGS     - number of songs. If SONGS tag not defined, the default value is
     38            0.
     39DEFSONG   - first song which will be played when .sap will be loaded.
     40            This value is counted from zero (if there are 5 songs in the
     41            file and the last is the default, the value will be DEFSONG 4).
     42            The default is 0 if DEFSONG not defined.
     43FASTPLAY  - number of lines between each call of playing routine (312 by
     44            default, which is one screen - 1/50 of sec.). For example for
     45            double-speed tune put here the value 156 (312/2). 99% of tunes
     46            are single-speed which means that you don't have to define the
     47            FASTPLAY variable for them. Works for player TYPE "B".
     48            Another values recommended: 104 (triple speed), 78 (quadruple
     49            speed)
     50STEREO - tune uses dual POKEY configuration.
     52commands PLAYER, MUSIC, INIT contain addresses in hexadecimal format. Both
     53lower- and uppercase characters are allowed for the number.
    4255PLAYER A000
    4356PLAYER 1234
    44 MUSIC  F400
     57MUSIC  f42e
    4659commands SONGS, DEFSONG contain decimal numbers:
    4962DEFSONG 9
    51 command TYPE contains single character which describes player type. Right now
    52 only the following characters are supported:
    54 TYPE C
    55 TYPE B
    56 TYPE M
    57 TYPE S
    58 TYPE D
    59 TYPE R
     64command TYPE contains single character which describes player type. The
     65following player types are supported:
    6167TYPE C - player from CMC (Chaos Music Composer). In this case, also these
    7581         jsr PLAYER+6
    77 TYPE M - player from ???????? (this player was used by composers like Adam
    78          Gilmore, David Whittaker, etc). In this case, also these commands
    79          must appear: PLAYER, INIT, SONGS, and DEFSONG. Player will be
    80          initialized as follows:
    82          lda #DEFSONG
    83          jsr INIT
    85          in 1/50 intervals will be executed:
    87          jsr PLAYER
     83         This is just internal structure already contained in SAP player, you
     84         don't have to add this code to the CMC player.
    8986TYPE B - any player. In this case, also these commands must appear: PLAYER,
    9794         jsr PLAYER
    99          TYPE B is right now exactly the same like TYPE M but this
    100          distinguish is for future SAP releases.
    10296TYPE S - SoftSynth. Like type "C", this type is temporary, and is used only
    10397         for special type of songs, that were composed using program
    10498         SoftSynth.
    105 TYPE D - Digital. In SAP file with this type, must be also defined commands
    106          "INIT" and "PLAYER". "PLAYER" (like in type "B") sets address of
    107          procedure that will be called in 1/50s intervals and (like in type
    108          "B") must end with RTS opcode. INIT this time is a bit different. It
    109          sets address of procedure that will be called (with number of song
    110          in register A) to initialize program, but it can't end with RTS. It
    111          should start playing digis in endless loop. In SAP player there are
    112          emulated two ANTIC registers $D40A and $D40B that can help playing
    113          samples. D40B register increases its contents each two screen lines.
    114          D40A holds CPU till the end of actually created line. SAP emulates
    115          Atari in PAL with disabled screen. It means that we have 312 PAL
    116          lines, while each lines has 105 CPU cycles and 9 cycles of memory
    117          refresh (114 cycles per line).
     99TYPE D - Digital. In SAP file with this type, there must be also defined
     100         commands "INIT" and "PLAYER". "PLAYER" (like in type B) sets
     101         address of procedure that will be called in 1/50s intervals and
     102         (like in type B) must end with RTS opcode. INIT this time is a bit
     103         different. It sets address of procedure that will be called (with
     104         number of song in register A) to initialize program, but it can't
     105         end with RTS. It should start playing digis in endless loop. In SAP
     106         player two ANTIC registers $D40A and $D40B are emulated. They help
     107         playing samples. D40B register increases its contents each two
     108         screen lines. D40A holds CPU till the end of actually drawn line.
     109         SAP emulates Atari in PAL with disabled screen. It means that we
     110         have 312 lines per screen, each taking 105 CPU cycles and 9 cycles
     111         of memory refresh (114 cycles per line).
     113One more type is recognized by SAP player - TYPE M. Right now it's exactly
     114the same as TYPE B but this differentiation is for future SAP releases.
    119116Planned features:
    121118         This part contains values that will be directly written to Pokey
    122119         registers ($D200-$D208) in 1/50s intervals.
    123 TIME xx:xx - song duration
     120TIME xx:xx - Song duration. This is actually already supported by SAP WinAMP
     121             plug-in
     123Example of the header:
     125AUTHOR "Jakub Husak"
     126NAME "Inside"
     127DATE "1990"
     128SONGS 3
     129DEFSONG 0
     130TYPE B
     131INIT 0F80
     132PLAYER 247F
     135Second part - binary data
     137This part contains player and music data represented in Atari binary file
     138format. This format has two bytes header FF,FF. Next two bytes tell loader,
     139where to load data, and next two bytes describes where the data end.
     140Init data block ($02E2,$02E3) is not supported.
     142A little example:
     144FF FF 00 20 04 20 01 42 A3 04 D5
     145\___/ \_________/ \____________/
     146  A        B            C
     148A - Binary file header identification (always FF FF)
     149B - Load addres (StartAddr, EndAddr in LO,HI order - $2000 to $2004)
     150C - Data (that will be loaded from StartAddr)
     152This example will load values 01,42,A3,04,D5 into memory from $2000 to $2004.
    125155How to create .SAP file
    132162copy /b music.txt+music.bin
    134 The file is done now!
    135 If you didn't find that song in ASMA, feel free to send it to
    136 with all needed information (see ASMA.TXT for details). The song should be
    137 included in the nearest ASMA update.
     164The file is made now!
     165If you didn't find that song in ASMA, feel free to send it to p with all needed information (see ASMA.TXT for details). The
     167song should be then included in the nearest ASMA update.
  • trunk/asma/Docs/Wanted.txt

    r32 r34  
    1 At the time we are searching for these tunes:
    3 Alex
    4 Sheol
     1Currently we are searching for these tunes:
    63Jason C. Brooke
    7 any tunes..
     4any tunes
    96Ben Daglish
    10 any tunes..
     7any tunes
    129Rob Hubbard <?>
    1512Fred Brooker
    16 Balleantro, Vaxeen, Digisynth, Rabbacan, Brutal Recall Demo and game, any other tunes..
    17 (Unfortunately most of these titles aren't probably converted to PC disk
    18 images. I've got them on my T2000 tapes so if you know how to convert these
    19 into binaries on PC, let me know)
     13Balleantro, Vaxeen, Digisynth, Rabbacan, Brutal Recall Demo and game, any other
     16Radek Sterba
     17Dangerous Street
    2119Hard Software
    22 missing digi tunes from Cool Emotion
     20Blip, missing digi tunes from Cool Emotion
    2422Robert Zaborowski
    25 Crix, Ra, Classic, any other tunes..
     23Crix, Ra, Classic, any other tunes
    2725Classic games
    28 any tunes..
     26Air Strike 2, Alf, Archon 2 Adept, Astrodroid, Ataroid, Aztec Challenge 1983,
     27Ball Blaster, Bristles, Creep, Donkey Kong Junior, Donkey, Kong, Frogger 1,
     28Frogger 2, Ghostbusters (incl. speech), Gremlins, Gyruss, Hardball, Henri,
     29Henry's House, Hover Bovver, Jump!, Jungle Hunt, Keystone Kapers, Mr. Do's
     30Castles, Pengon, Pharaoh's Curse, Pole Position, Pooyan, Preppie!, Preppie! 2,
     31Q*bert, Rampage, Screaming Wings, Seawolf 2, Shadow World, Spy's Demise,
     32Starquake, Tarzan, Unicum, any other tunes
     34New wave games
     35Krucjata, Megablast (digitunes)
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