Changeset 54 for trunk/asma/Docs

Sep 27, 2006, 2:45:16 PM (18 years ago)

Imported ASMA 3.1

1 added
5 edited


  • trunk/asma/Docs/Asma.txt

    r52 r54  
    1616                            Atari SAP Music Archive
    17                                   Version 3.0
     17                                  Version 3.1
    1919                         Started on 4th of August 1999
    20                       Last updated on 3rd of January 2006
     20                    Last updated on 27th of September 2006
    22                      Total number of songs: 2006 (128 new)
     22                    Total number of songs: 2192 (188 new)
    3333 Statistics
    3434 ~~~~~~~~~~
    35  Number of songs:      2006 (2580 including subsongs)
    36  Compared to HVSC:     6,4 % (HVSC r44 contains 31330 songs)
    37  Disk space ocupied:   11830849 bytes (excluding documents)
    38  Average SAP filesize: 5898 bytes
    39  Songs with subsongs:  198
    40  Songs in stereo:      171
    41  Unsorted songs:       72
    42  Number of musicians:  104
    43  Most active musician: Lukasz Sychowicz    (117 songs + 17 cooperations)
     35 Number of songs:      2192 (2832 including subsongs)
     36 Compared to HVSC:     6.9 % (HVSC r45 contains 32000 songs)
     37 Disk space ocupied:   12959198 bytes (excluding documents)
     38 Average SAP filesize: 5912 bytes
     39 Songs with subsongs:  215
     40 Songs in stereo:      186
     41 Unsorted songs:       86
     42 Number of musicians:  110
     43 Most active musician: Lukasz Sychowicz    (120 songs + 17 cooperations)
    4444 Biggest SAP file: (61543 bytes)
    4545 Smallest SAP file:       (150 bytes)
    4646 Files with subsongs:
    47   2 songs: 64x
    48   3 songs: 43x
    49   4 songs: 33x
    50   5 songs: 28x
     47  2 songs: 68x
     48  3 songs: 47x
     49  4 songs: 35x
     50  5 songs: 31x
    5151  6 songs: 12x
    52   7 songs:  4x
     52  7 songs:  5x
    5353  8 songs:  4x
    5454  9 songs:  3x
    55  10 songs:  2x
    56  11 songs:  2x
     55 10 songs:  3x
     56 11 songs:  3x
     57 12 songs:  1x
    5758 13 songs:  1x
    5859 14 songs:  1x
    5960 15 songs:  1x
    60  Total: 574 subsongs
     61 Total: 640 subsongs
    6465 ~~~~~
    6566 As you can see, there are lots of songs in the 'Unsorted' directory. If
    66  you're 100% sure about origin of any of these songs (Who did it, where does
    67  it come from, when was it composed), please let us know immediately so that
    68  we can complete the information about the song in ASMA (and move it to the
    69  appropriate directory). We would welcome if you sent us also the binary file
    70  (or an ATR/XFD disk image) with the original piece of software with that
    71  song. Mail any such information to Our aim is to completely
    72  annihilate the unrecognized songs.
     67 you can provide us with any missing information about any song (who did it,
     68 where does it come from, when was it composed), please let us know
     69 immediately so that we can complete the information about the song in ASMA
     70 (and move it to the appropriate directory). We would welcome if you sent us
     71 also the binary file (or an ATR/XFD disk image) with the original piece of
     72 software with that song. Mail any such information to Our aim
     73 is to completely annihilate the unrecognized songs.
    8788 Piotr Fusik (Fox of Taquart)
    8889 Michal Garbaciak (Dracon of Taquart)
     90 Achim Haertel
    8991 Jaymz Julian (alih)
    9092 Jindrich Kubec
    9698 Radek Sterba (Raster)
    9799 Michal Szpilowski (Miker)
     100 Maciej Wojciechowski (Stryker)
    98101 ..and people at the HVSC mailing list at
  • trunk/asma/Docs/Bugs.txt

    r52 r54  
    33Games/Classic/ - sample at the beginning is missing
    44Games/Classic/ - song probably doesn't play with original settings
    5 Games/Classic/ - song falls out of synch after about 0:35
     5Games/Classic/ - song falls out of synch after about 0:35 (ripped from a buggy release)
    66Various/Claas_Clever/ - strange noise after song end
    77Various/Eisenhammer_Zdenek/ - strange noise after song end
    8 Various/Hard_Software/ - rogue note at the beginning
     8Various/Hard_Software/ - rogue note at the beginning
    99Various/Hard_Software/ - rogue note at the beginning
    1010Various/Hard_Software/ - rogue note at the beginning
  • trunk/asma/Docs/Composers.txt

    r52 r54  
    1 Known Atari composers and handles                                 Jan 03 2006
     1Known Atari composers and handles                                 Sep 22 2006
    33This list contains only composers who have at least 3 songs in ASMA
    44collection. The composers are sorted in ABC order according to their surnames
    5 (if known, otherwise by their handles). There are 104 composers in this list.
     5(if known, otherwise by their handles). There are 110 composers in this list.
    77Badkowski, Marek - Bac
     8Banaszkiewicz, Michal - Hugo
    89Benoth, Sukkor - KS
    910Bienias, Adam - SoTe
    2526Ezcan, Kemal - KE-SOFT
    2627Galinski, Adrian - Daxey
     28Gilbertson, Gary
    2729Gilmore, Adam
    2830Gmurek, Konrad - KeyG
     31Goff, Mark - captainmarmalad
    2932Golewski Filip, - Zoltar X
    3033Gora, Jakub - Cubes
    6265Luberda, Michal
    6366Luszcz, Tomasz
     67Majchrzak, Marcin - Soldier, Maj0r
    6468Majewski, Jerzy - Zur-soft 2/2
    6569Majewski, Tomasz - Mayonez
    8185Przybyszewski, Krzysztof - BLB
    8286Pucinski, Rafal - Dex
    83 Radecki, Michal - Tehno
     87Radecki, Michal - stRing, Tehno
    8488Radzikowski, Ireneusz - Jager
    8589<?> - Rentgen
    9397Sledz, Slawek - Slaves
    9498Sterba, Radek - Raster
    95 Swierszcz, Piotr - Samurai, Tatqoo
     99Swierszcz, Piotr - Tatqoo, Samurai
    96100Sychowicz, Lukasz - X-Ray
     101Szczesniak, Konrad
    97102Szmatola, Krzysztof - Thor
    98103Szpilowski, Michal - Miker
    107112Wasilewski, Dariusz - Trener
    108113Whittaker, David
     114Wisniewski, Mateusz - Born
    109115Witkiewicz, Dariusz - Flash
    110116Witkowski, Przemyslaw
  • trunk/asma/Docs/STIL.txt

    r52 r54  
    3 #  STIL v3.0 - SAP Tune Information List
     3#  STIL v3.1 - SAP Tune Information List
    44#  Maintained by Zdenek Eisenhammer (PG)
    5 #  Total number of entries: 214
     5#  Total number of entries: 220
    228228COMMENT: This cover uses just slightly different sounds.
     230### Stephan Duesterhoeft #####################################################
     233  TITLE: Peppered Pizza
     234 ARTIST: Reyn Ouwehand
    230236### Zdenek Eisenhammer (PG) ##################################################
    238244 ARTIST: Rob Hubbard
    240 /Various/Eisenhammer_Zdenek//
    241247  TITLE: Turrican 2 - World 1, Tune #3
    242248 ARTIST: Chris Huelsbeck
    312318         transfered from the Commodore 64.
    314 /Various/Hard_Software/
    315321  TITLE: Disco Zax
    316322 ARTIST: Thomas Mogensen (DRAX)
    448454 ARTIST: Rob Hubbard
    450 Various/Hay_Adam/
    451457  TITLE: Monty on the Run, Tune #3
    452458 ARTIST: Rob Hubbard
    454 Various/Hay_Adam/
     461  TITLE: Reaxion, subsong 3
     462 ARTIST: Sean Connoly (Odie)
     463COMMENT: The Atari version was made by Adam, with tweaks made by Sean.
     466  TITLE: Reaxion. subsong 1
     467 ARTIST: Sean Connoly (Odie)
     468COMMENT: The Atari version was made by Adam, with tweaks made by Sean.
     471  TITLE: Reaxion, subsong 2
     472 ARTIST: Sean Connoly (Odie)
     473COMMENT: The Atari version was made by Adam, with tweaks made by Sean.
    455476  TITLE: Smells Like Teen Spirit [from Nevermind]
    456477 ARTIST: Nirvana
    651672### Dawid Nabialek (Dave) ####################################################
    653 /Various/Nabialek_Dawid/
    654675  TITLE: Yakety Sax [from Yakety Sax]
    655676 ARTIST: James Rich & Boots Randolph
    757778COMMENT: Lato Ludzikow 2001 music compo entry.
    759 /Various/Iwaszko_Krystian/
    760781COMMENT: Last Party 2001 music compo entry.
    905926COMMENT: Tegethoff's own comments are denoted by (ST).
    907 /Various/Tegethoff_Sven/
    908929COMMENT: "Entry in the annual Abbuc demo competition (can't remember the year)
    909930         held at the 'Hobbytronic' Computer Fair in Dortmund, Germany. The song
    913934         tune) won first price. Uses custom player routines." (ST)
    915 /Various/Tegethoff_Sven/
    916937  TITLE: Commando, Tune #2
    917938 ARTIST: Rob Hubbard
    921942         routines." (ST)
    923 /Various/Tegethoff_Sven/
    924 COMMENT: "Another entry in the annual Abbuc demo competition (can't remember
     945COMMENT: "Another entry in the annual ABBUC demo competition (can't remember
    925946         the year) held at the 'Hobbytronic' Computer Fair in Dortmund,
    926947         Germany. The demo (not this particular tune) won first price. Written
    927948         using 'The Black Magic Composer'.
    929 /Various/Tegethoff_Sven/
    930 COMMENT: "Another entry in the annual Abbuc demo competition (can't remember
     951COMMENT: "Another entry in the annual ABBUC demo competition (can't remember
    931952         the year) held at the 'Hobbytronic' Computer Fair in Dortmund,
    932953         Germany. Written using 'The Black Magic Composer' with Digi-Drums.
    937 COMMENT: "This song was part of the same Abbuc Demo like and
    938 The complete demo (not this particular tune) won first
     958COMMENT: "This song was part of the same ABBUC Demo like and
     959 The complete demo (not this particular tune) won first
    939960         price. The tune was ripped and re-used by some czech demo crew in a
    940961         demo called 'the top'. But I forgive them, because they gave me the
    948 COMMENT: "Entry in the annual Abbuc demo competition 1990 held at the
     969COMMENT: "Entry in the annual ABBUC demo competition 1990 held at the
    949970         'Hobbytronic' Computer Fair in Dortmund, Germany. Written using 'The
    950971         Black Magic Composer' with Digi-Drums. Drums were blatantly ripped
  • trunk/asma/Docs/Wanted.txt

    r52 r54  
    44Ben Daglish
    5 Rampage
     5Rampage, Footballer of the Year
    77Kemal Ezcan
    1111Action Biker
    13 Orall Cornelius
    14 Super Soccer
    1613Fred Brooker
    1714Replugged, Microx ingame songs
     16Tomasz Liebich
     17Master Head, Perestroyka (stereo player, anyone?)
    1919Hard Software
    2222Classic games
    23 Air Strike 2, Alf, Alternate Reality: The City, Alternate Reality: The
     23Alf, Alternate Reality: The City (missing songs), Alternate Reality: The
    2424Dungeon, Archon 2 Adept, Astrodroid, Ataroid, Aztec Challenge 1983, Bristles,
    25 Creep, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Junior, Frogger 1, Frogger 2, Ghostbusters
    26 (incl. speech), Gremlins, Gyruss, Hardball, Henri, Henry's House,
    27 Hover Bovver, Jump!, Jungle Hunt, Keystone Kapers, Mr. Do's Castles, Pengon,
    28 Pharaoh's Curse, Pole Position, Pooyan, Preppie!, Preppie! 2, Q*bert,
    29 Rampage, Screaming Wings, Seawolf 2, Shadow World, Spy's Demise, Starquake,
    30 Tarzan, Unicum...
     25Creep, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Junior, Ghostbusters (incl. speech), Gremlins,
     26Gyruss, Hardball, Henri, Henry's House, Hover Bovver, Jump!, Mr. Do's Castles,
     27Pengon, Pharaoh's Curse, Pole Position, Pooyan, Preppie!, Preppie! 2, Q*bert,
     28Seawolf 2, Shadow World, Spy's Demise, Unicum...
    3230New wave games
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