Changeset 6 for trunk/asma/Docs

Aug 11, 1999, 3:18:08 AM (26 years ago)

Imported ASMA 0.7

1 added
4 edited
1 moved



    • TabularUnified trunk/asma/Docs/Asma.txt

      r5 r6  
      1616                            Atari SAP Music Archive
      17                                   Version 0.6
       17                                  Version 0.7
      1919                           Started on 4th of August 1999
      20                         Last updated on 8th of August 1999
       20                        Last updated on 10th of August 1999
      22                         Total number of tunes: 105 (34 new)
       22                        Total number of tunes: 237 (132 new)
      3030 the HVSC collection (with some differences).
      3233 Statistics
      3334 ~~~~~~~~~~
      34  Number of tunes:      105
      35  Unsorted tunes:       37
      36  Number of musicians:  8
      37  Most active musician: David Whittaker   (9 tunes)
      38  Biggest SAP tune: (8280 bytes)
      39  Smallest SAP tune:    (498 bytes)
       35 Number of tunes:      237
       36 Unsorted tunes:       43
       37 Number of musicians:  18
       38 Most active musician: Adrian Galinski      (20 tunes)
       39 Biggest SAP tune: (20086 bytes)
       40 Smallest SAP tune:       (498 bytes)
       43 Help!
       44 ~~~~~
       45 As you can see, there are lots of tunes in the 'Unsorted' directory. If
       46 you're 100%ly sure about origin of any of these tunes (Who did it, where it
       47 comes from, when was it composed), please let us know immediately so that we
       48 can complete the information about the tune in ASMA (or move it to the right
       49 directory). We would welcome if you sent us also the binary file (or an
       50 ATR/XFD disk image) with the original peace of software with that tune. Mail
       51 any such information to Our aim is to completely annihilate
       52 the 'Unsorted' directory :-)
      4155 For contributors
      4761 know how to create SAP files, send me the binary file with the INIT and PLAY
      4862 addresses and memory location where the tune has to be loaded. See SAP.TXT
      49  for SAP format description. And one more thing: we don't accept BASIC tunes,
      50  neither the compiled ones.
       63 for SAP format description. The filenames must not be longer than 26
       64 characters (plus .sap) e.g.:
       66 12345678901234567890123456.123
       67 - all right
       68 - wrong!
       70 Because of compatibility reasons only characters 'A..Z', 'a..z', and '0..9'
       71 can be used in the filenames. All spaces must be replaced with underscore
       72 ("_").
       74 And one more thing: we don't accept BASIC tunes!
      5277 Creators
      5378 ~~~~~~~~
      5479 Zdenek Eisenhammer (PG or Unreal)
       80 Adam Bienias (SoTe of Slight)
       81 <unknown person> - ripped most of the tunes in pre-release update #1
      5684 Contact
    • TabularUnified trunk/asma/Docs/Bugs.txt

      r4 r6  
      11Classics\Gilmore_Adam\ - tune 0 doesn't exist (silence)
      2 Classics\Hubbard_Rob\ - strange sound at 01:12 and each time in
      3                                       the same pattern - a bug of SAP player?
      4 Classics\Whittaker_David\ - bass sound is not audible (a bug of SAP
      5                                    player?)
      6 Classics\Whittaker_David\ - bass sound is not audible (a bug of SAP
      7                                     player?)
       2Various\Liebich_Tomasz\ - tune 0 doesn't exist (distorted sounds)
    • TabularUnified trunk/asma/Docs/Composers.txt

      r4 r6  
      1 Known Atari composers and handles                                 07 Aug 1999
       1Known Atari composers and handles                                 10 Aug 1999
      33This list contains only composers who have made at least 3 songs on Atari
      66surnames (if known, otherwise by their handles).
      8 Galinski, Adrian - Daxey (5)
       8Bartman (8)
       9Bienias, Adam - SoTe (7)
       10DJ V (3)
       11Drozdowski, Marek - Marucha (3)
       12Galinski, Adrian - Daxey (20)
      913Gilmore, Adam (7)
       14Gwozdziej, Mirek - Zur-soft 1/2 (4) *
      1015Hubbard, Rob (5)
       16Husak, Jakub (17)
       17Liebich, Tomasz (14)
       18Majewski, Jerzy - Zur-soft 2/2 (4) *
      1119Makowski, Robert - Gutek (6)
      1220Munns, Richard (4)
      13 Pelc, Janusz (3)
      14 Swierszcz, Piotr - Samurai (5)
       21Pelc, Janusz (5)
       22Swierszcz, Piotr - Samurai (6)
       23Szymczuk, Daniel (5)
      1524Whittaker, David (9)
       25X-Ray (15)
       27* These two guys were composing together, so the number behind their name
       28  means the number of songs they made together.
    • TabularUnified trunk/asma/Docs/Sap.txt

      r4 r6  
      2222   SONGS     - number of songs
      2323   DEFSONG   - first song which will be played when .sap will be loaded
       24   FASTPLAY  - number of lines between each call of playing routine (312 by
       25               default, which is one screen - 1/50 of sec.). For example for
       26               double-speed tune put here the value 156 (312/2). 99% of tunes
       27               are single-speed which means that you don't have to define the
       28               FASTPLAY variable for them.
      2530commands PLAYER, MUSIC, INIT contain addresses in hexadecimal format:
    • TabularUnified trunk/asma/Docs/Update0.txt

      r4 r6  
      33These rips together with the original ASMA collection will make version 0.6
      44of ASMA.
       6Number of tunes: 34
      68Beside the new rips in ASMA, the archive now uses slightly different
    Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.