Currently we are searching for these rips (mostly we can provide the

Adam Billyard

Ben Daglish
Footballer of the Year

Kemal Ezcan
(any songs)

Filip Oscadal (Fred Brooker)
Replugged, Microx ingame songs

Tomasz Liebich
Master Head (missing songs)

Hard Software
Blip, Cool Emotion (digisongs)

Classic games
Alf, Alternate Reality: The City (missing songs), Alternate
Reality: The Dungeon, Archon 2 Adept, Ataroid, Atomix+, Aztec Challenge 1983,
Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Junior, Henry's House, Megablast (digisongs), Mr. Do's Castles, Pole Position, Preppie!, Preppie! 2,
Rainbow Walker, Q*bert, Quadron, War Copter, etc.