12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Added: Slurky's_Tale.sap, Zorro_Has_A_Sister.sap
12 years |
miker |
+ one LiSU's tune from AD 2011.
12 years |
miker |
+ music form "New Direction" intro.
12 years |
miker |
All the rest music from Forever 14 music compo.
12 years |
miker |
Two new composers: Petrik_Alan i Petruzela_Tomas.
12 years |
pfusik |
Added Look_Around.sap.
12 years |
miker |
new ones
12 years |
miker |
Updated inside-info.
12 years |
pfusik |
Foest_Kai -> Foerst_Kai.
12 years |
pfusik |
Foest_Kai -> Foerst_Kai.
12 years |
pfusik |
STIL.txt: Gem_x.sap.
12 years |
pfusik |
12 years |
pfusik |
/Unknown/Carpe_Demo_5.sap was a duplicate of …
12 years |
pfusik |
STIL: updated.
12 years |
pfusik |
Wanted.txt by efy.
12 years |
miker |
Another new composer: Wiegmann_Stefan (and docs update as well)…
12 years |
miker |
Docs slight update.
12 years |
miker |
...and lte's delete dupez…
12 years |
miker |
We have new composer: Foest_Kai
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Wanted.txt - update.
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
STIL (correct)
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
New rips by Marok & STIL update.
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Wanted.txt by efy.
12 years |
Ramos |
new sap
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Wanted.txt by efy.
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Wanted.txt by efy.
12 years |
pfusik |
Wanted.txt by efy.
12 years |
Ramos |
new sap
12 years |
Ramos |
corret author
12 years |
Ramos |
new sap
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Wanted.txt (update)
12 years |
Ramos |
new sap
12 years |
Ramos |
sap from Winter Chip VIII
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Wanted.txt (update)
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
New rips by Marok.
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Wanted.txt by efy.
12 years |
pfusik |
Long songs: some SAPs have one-digit number of minutes.
12 years |
pfusik |
Wanted.txt by efy.
12 years |
Ramos |
new m3u
12 years |
Ramos |
new sap from Winter Chip VIII
12 years |
Ramos |
new m3u
12 years |
pfusik |
New rips by Achim Haertel.
12 years |
pfusik |
STIL: returned diacritics as of ASMA 3.4.
12 years |
pfusik |
Miker requested a list of songs longer than 5 minutes.
12 years |
miker |
12 years |
miker |
Removed "Music_2000_Menu.sap" - the same as "Hobbytronic_89_1". …
12 years |
Ramos |
12 years |
Ramos |
correct name sap
12 years |
Ramos |
correct name author
12 years |
Ramos |
correct name author
12 years |
Ramos |
12 years |
pfusik |
STIL: validated.
12 years |
pfusik |
CRLF input vs LF perl.
12 years |
Ramos |
correct STIL
12 years |
Ramos |
correct author
12 years |
Ramos |
new sap from Winter Chip VIII
12 years |
Ramos |
new Composers
12 years |
Ramos |
new Compoosers
12 years |
Ramos |
delete sap
12 years |
Ramos |
new sap from Winter Chip VIII
12 years |
Ramos |
ufff.... new STIL by efy
12 years |
Ramos |
new STIL
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
STIL by efy.
12 years |
pfusik |
STIL.txt: unix2dos'ed (Windows Notepad friendly).
12 years |
pfusik |
Sap.txt: replaced non-ASCII apostrophes.
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
moved from "Misc/Sweet_Fantasy_Intro.sap" to …
12 years |
miker |
ups :)
12 years |
pfusik |
STIL: reverted to UTF-8 from Windows-1250 in changeset:810.
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
\Composers\Sledz_Slawek\Mydelko.sap (STIL)
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Moved from "Unknown/Mydelko?.sap" to "Composers/Sledz_Slawek"
12 years |
miker |
(Possible) new composer. :)
12 years |
pfusik |
Moved from "incoming".
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
file info (update)
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Wanted.txt (update)
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Wanted.txt - update.
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Docs/Bugs?.txt update.
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
Composers\Grayscale\Kwiatek_Grzegorz\Far_Away.sap + Docs/Bugs?.txt (update)
12 years |
Slawek 'slaves' Sledz |
CEvE-Soft\World_of_Wonders_Fantasy.sap - fixed by Marok + …
12 years |
Ramos |
new sap from Winter Chip VIII
12 years |
pfusik |
Aerobics_1_2.sap is fine if the SAP is reloaded when switching subsongs.
12 years |
pfusik |
BRK instructions fixed by Marok.
12 years |
pfusik |
BRK instructions fixed by Marok.
12 years |
pfusik |
STIL: fix whitespace and filename case.
12 years |
pfusik |
Space in filename.
12 years |
Ramos |
new STIL
12 years |
Ramos |
12 years |
Ramos |
new STIL
12 years |
Ramos |
delete sap
12 years |
Ramos |
correct name
12 years |
Ramos |
new STIL
12 years |
pfusik |
Fixed BRK instructions as proposed by Marok.
12 years |
pfusik |
Bugs: BRK instructions found with "chksap.pl -su".
12 years |
pfusik |
STIL: Hans_Kloss cover position.
12 years |
pg |
Further cleanup of Wanted.txt
12 years |
pg |
Updated Wanted.txt to exclude a song already in the archive
Uploaded a …
12 years |
pfusik |
STIL: sorted.
12 years |
pfusik |
NAME and STIL fixed to match renames from changeset:770.
12 years |
pfusik |
STIL: define number of entries as the number of slashes in the first …
12 years |
pfusik |