9 years |
miker |
XTD's chip from Retrokomp/LoadError? 2015
9 years |
voy |
Title fix :P
9 years |
voy |
6 SAPs from Ukraine
9 years |
voy |
Another songs by Miker
9 years |
voy |
Corrected name of tune
9 years |
voy |
Name correction
9 years |
marok |
- "Deus_Ex_Machina.sap": added stop marker (0xFE) into the last song …
9 years |
voy |
SAP by Poison
9 years |
voy |
Another new SAPs
9 years |
pfusik |
Fix directory name.
9 years |
voy |
New SAPs by Miker
9 years |
voy |
Two new SAPs
9 years |
voy |
3 SAPs moved to proper location + 2 new SAPs
9 years |
voy |
New SAP by DjV from Orneta'97 CP
9 years |
PG |
Some missing songs by me added
9 years |
PG |
More swapped NAME and AUTHOR contents
9 years |
PG |
Swapped NAME and AUTHOR (Oh, come on!)
9 years |
miker |
Some music from Ironia Atari Party (for upcoming rev. 3.9) (:
9 years |
PG |
ASMA 3.8 release
9 years |
PG |
Uploaded ASMA 3.8 RC2 …
9 years |
marok |
doublet to Sloppyjones_Fuck_the_Cold.sap
9 years |
marok |
from the last Glucholazy's short rmt pieces
9 years |
PG |
ASMA 3.8 update RC1.1
9 years |
PG |
Uploaded release candidate for ASMA Update 3.8
9 years |
miker |
Added date to some saps and one new sap by Mono.
10 years |
voy |
Another muzak by Yezus
10 years |
voy |
Muzak already exist as NightShade?.sap
10 years |
voy |
Another muzak by Miker
10 years |
Ramos |
new sap
10 years |
miker |
Rolo XI music, courtesy of CePe?.
10 years |
Ramos |
10 years |
Ramos |
new rip by Mar0k
10 years |
Ramos |
fix name sap
10 years |
Ramos |
fix name file sap
10 years |
Ramos |
fix name sap
10 years |
marok |
special "NTSC" version no exist
10 years |
marok |
- main from "Critical" music-disc ('99);
- I hope no doublet here!
10 years |
marok |
cmc+digi (1 sample)
10 years |
miker |
New (old) sap.
10 years |
Ramos |
new sap & STIL
10 years |
voy |
new SAP
10 years |
Ramos |
music form Planet 5200 (demo Atari 5200)
10 years |
Ramos |
fix NTSC
10 years |
marok |
10 years |
marok |
short delta track
10 years |
miker |
Music from Dredis - another great rip by Seban.
10 years |
marok |
Old_Gremlin.sap - (..and to write something..) there is newer version …
10 years |
marok |
update Update38.txt
Rainbow_Walker.sap - try play the game in NTSC …
10 years |
voy |
new sap
10 years |
voy |
Two new SAPs :)
10 years |
Ramos |
fix credits
10 years |
voy |
new SAP from Revision 2015 Oldschool Compo
10 years |
Ramos |
fix name music
10 years |
Ramos |
fix name music
10 years |
Ramos |
music identified
10 years |
miker |
And even one more. :)
10 years |
miker |
Two more Ke-soft's pieces.
10 years |
miker |
Two more KE-soft's tunes. Player made by Seban/Slight?!
10 years |
pfusik |
Soundtrack from a 1k intro shown at the Forever party.
10 years |
miker |
A present for 1st day of Spring. :) Some tunes from KE-soft (and more …
10 years |
voy |
new muzax from Forever 2015 & G-lazy 2k15 invitro
10 years |
marok |
not too much valuable music from games,
doc Wanted.txt would be …
10 years |
Ramos |
3 new SAP
10 years |
marok |
Puzmania songs renamed + some missed
10 years |
marok |
player fixed (now ASAP recognize mpt player and module)
10 years |
marok |
- all play exactly like at previous version (asapscan -p)
10 years |
Ramos |
new sap from Winter Chip X
10 years |
marok |
10 years |
marok |
from a bit older rips (missed someway)
10 years |
voy |
Two new SAPs
10 years |
Ramos |
new sap from Winter Chip X
10 years |
Ramos |
new sap i new musican
10 years |
marok |
fixed credits (at last)
10 years |
Ramos |
new sap from Winter Chip X
10 years |
voy |
new sap
10 years |
Ramos |
new sap from Winter Chip X
10 years |
Ramos |
new composer - correct
10 years |
Ramos |
delete composer
10 years |
voy |
fixed sap & author
10 years |
voy |
back to chageset 1314 (fixed surname); corrected Composers.txt
10 years |
voy |
new load address; empty song removed
10 years |
voy |
removed SAP (overdump)
10 years |
voy |
changed surname
10 years |
Ramos |
fix date sap
10 years |
miker |
Romoved redundant SAP. Already exist as "Animal Party Ingame".
10 years |
voy |
new sap from NYD2015; new composer; moved 2 saps
10 years |
voy |
moved saps
10 years |
voy |
another SAP from NYD2015; new composer; fixed surname
10 years |
voy |
several new SAPs from New Year's Disc 2015
10 years |
voy |
fixed name
10 years |
voy |
fixed name
10 years |
Ramos |
fix name sap
10 years |
Ramos |
fix name
10 years |
Ramos |
fix name sap
10 years |
Ramos |
fix name sap
10 years |
Ramos |
fix sap
10 years |
Ramos |
fix credits
10 years |
voy |
another sap
10 years |
voy |
new sap
10 years |
voy |
new sap