11 years |
Ramos |
11 years |
miker |
added author + moved
11 years |
Ramos |
new sap
11 years |
miker |
11 years |
Ramos |
fix, new musican
11 years |
Ramos |
fix author
11 years |
marok |
11 years |
Ramos |
230 new sap
11 years |
Ramos |
11 years |
Ramos |
fix name, delete duplication
11 years |
Ramos |
11 years |
Ramos |
new sap
11 years |
Ramos |
11 years |
Ramos |
11 years |
Ramos |
11 years |
Ramos |
new sap
11 years |
Ramos |
new sap
11 years |
Ramos |
fix name
11 years |
Ramos |
new sap
11 years |
Ramos |
new sap and correct credits
11 years |
Ramos |
2 new sap
11 years |
Ramos |
2 new sap
11 years |
Ramos |
new sap
11 years |
Ramos |
new sap
11 years |
Ramos |
11 years |
Ramos |
new sap
11 years |
Ramos |
5 new sap
11 years |
Ramos |
fix title and date
11 years |
marok |
11 years |
marok |
11 years |
marok |
Pre-work. Modules, 2nd part of ABBUC 2013.
11 years |
marok |
"Storyline.sap" - similar subsongs; "Star_Wars.sap" - Future …
11 years |
Ramos |
added composer
11 years |
Ramos |
fix author
11 years |
marok |
"Music_Painter.sap" - took me quite plenty of time (my fault), plays …
11 years |
marok |
"Radioactivity.sap" - in cooperation with Miker.
11 years |
miker |
something gone wrong? (please check)
11 years |
miker |
Voyager as new musician. Welcome! :)
11 years |
miker |
Saps from WAP-NIAK.
11 years |
marok |
Few minor saps.
11 years |
marok |
Asapscan shows other time (02:22.49), but I've correlated to code at …
11 years |
marok |
Four years old saps.
11 years |
marok |
no message
11 years |
marok |
"Masters_of_Time.sap" - The Author confirmed by Efy; "Shoot_em_Up.sap" …
11 years |
marok |
Fix "author" (due to Efy)
11 years |
marok |
i do some reshuffle
11 years |
marok |
"Pogoman.sap" - uses all AUCx =$A1; "Pro_Mountain_Biker.sap" - …
11 years |
Ramos |
move sap
11 years |
Ramos |
correct name
11 years |
Ramos |
11 years |
Ramos |
move sap
11 years |
Ramos |
added sap
11 years |
Ramos |
new file (BASIC music & new.m3u)
11 years |
marok |
"Cosmic.sap" - time added (i miss it last time)
"Liken_My_Atari.sap" - …
11 years |
Ramos |
new file: new.m3u (163 new SAP)
11 years |
marok |
Some Gary Gilbertson's music sent to me by Efy (and have found by him …
11 years |
marok |
"Plop.sap" is slightly playing different (AUDC write timing) than in …
11 years |
Ramos |
new file new.m3u (153 new SAP)
11 years |
marok |
some new saps from Efy's prepared list (Wanted.txt)
11 years |
pfusik |
STIL: validated.
11 years |
Ramos |
11 years |
marok |
From games.
11 years |
marok |
some new saps from Efy's prepared list (Wanted.txt)
11 years |
marok |
11 years |
Ramos |
nowy new.m3u
11 years |
Ramos |
2 new sap
11 years |
Ramos |
new musican
11 years |
Ramos |
new tune & correct
11 years |
Ramos |
mew m3u
11 years |
Ramos |
new sap from Summer Chip III
11 years |
Ramos |
new musican (info by efy)
11 years |
Ramos |
11 years |
Ramos |
new 3 sap from Głuchołazy 2013
11 years |
Ramos |
new new.m3u
11 years |
Ramos |
new correct, nowy new.m3u
11 years |
Ramos |
new sap from Summer Chip III
11 years |
Ramos |
new correction
11 years |
Ramos |
11 years |
Ramos |
new Composers.txt
11 years |
Ramos |
correct sap. nowy katalog Composers/Buettner_Falk
11 years |
marok |
Some new saps & cleaning in folders (and responding text file).
11 years |
marok |
"Mad_Marbles.sap" has probably other author than one the sap has written.
11 years |
marok |
From "Futurevision".
11 years |
marok |
11 years |
marok |
11 years |
marok |
"Jumpman.sap" & "Jumpman_Junior.sap" are quite similar. …
12 years |
marok |
Icky_Squishy.sap has one music. In the production is another one (but …
12 years |
Ramos |
new m3u
12 years |
Ramos |
correct author
12 years |
Ramos |
new wpis
12 years |
Ramos |
new sap from Summer Chip 3 …
12 years |
marok |
"Help.sap" needs to add TIME, "Hickory_Dickory_Dock.sap" TIME …
12 years |
marok |
"Geo.sap" & "Ghost.sap" maybe could have filled "AUTHOR <?>", but I …
12 years |
Ramos |
new sap
12 years |
marok |
"Gemstone_Warrior" game has probably more songs but I don't reach to …
12 years |
marok |
only data music is from the production (player added)
12 years |
pfusik |
Year by the author.
12 years |
pfusik |
Real name and new tune by the author.
12 years |
marok |
con. rename
12 years |
marok |
this time added very few new titles