
May 17, 2017:

6:09 PM Changeset [1528] by marok
- stuff from Wapniak 2017 (not complete and late)

May 16, 2017:

9:30 AM Changeset [1527] by marok
- Acidjazzed_Evening.sap: Lack of proper patched player (most likely 3 …

May 15, 2017:

2:01 PM Changeset [1526] by pg
Some new songs in my directory + updates in STIL.

May 14, 2017:

9:35 AM Changeset [1525] by marok
- These particular Emkay's music files have preserved to today through …

May 12, 2017:

4:23 PM Changeset [1524] by marok
to comparison purposes - listed all name TAGs in one text document

May 10, 2017:

5:27 PM Changeset [1523] by marok
- rest f. BotB.

May 8, 2017:

3:17 PM Changeset [1522] by marok
- "NES_Batman_Intermission.sap": f.o. 0x89A: 0xD2 -> 0xD1 ("MrFish?"), …

May 6, 2017:

5:49 PM Changeset [1521] by marok
- Update39.txt (correct)
5:43 PM Changeset [1520] by marok
- Update39.txt (correct)
4:20 PM Changeset [1519] by marok
Update39.txt (trial version) - 12 new authors' folders (no included) - …

May 4, 2017:

10:21 PM Changeset [1518] by marok
5:19 PM Changeset [1517] by marok
- Fragmare new author's folder

May 2, 2017:

12:04 PM Changeset [1516] by marok
- 3. more f. new author "Fragmare", - Gunfright

Apr 27, 2017:

2:31 PM Changeset [1515] by marok
2 new rmt modules
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.