Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#18 new task

Nowe pola w SAP

Reported by: jhusak Owned by: somebody
Priority: minor Milestone: Basic principles and rules
Component: component1 Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Postuluję, aby dodać nowe pola tak, aby niepotrzebne były dodatkowe pliki do SAPÓW:

NAJBARDZIEJ potrzebne jest pole COMMENT "tekst o dowolnej dlugosci w
ATASCII codes>=32, gdzie ENTER=char(155) or char(13)char(10) or
char(10) (u*x) or char (13) (amigaos)"

można to dodać do formatu pliku bez specjalnych zgrzytów i pozbyć się
większości wpisów w STIL.

Podobnie Ramos zgłaszał, że ma mnóstwo opisanych COVERÓW, co można by
dodać również jako
COVER "jak comment".

W ASMADB jest pole:
STATUS o wartościach "ok" "bugs".

Proponuję dodać takie pole, niekoniecznie ściśle odpowiadające temu z asma, trzeba się zastanowić.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by jhusak

Milestone: Podstawowe założenia i zasady
Priority: ważnydrugorzędny
Type: błądzadanie

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by jhusak

I suggest to add new fields to get rid of unnecessary extra files to SAPs:
Field is needed most is the:
COMMENT 'text messages of any length ATASCII codes> = 32, where the ENTER = char (155) or char (13) char (10) or
char (10) (u * x) or char (13) (Amiga) '
this can be added to the file format without special glitches and get rid of most entries in STIL.
Similarly, Ramos reported that he has described covers a lot of what might be
also added as a:
COVER "like comment".
In ASMADB ther is the field:
STATUS of the values ​​"ok", "bugs".
I propose to add such a field, not necessarily closely corresponding to that of AsmaDB, we need to think how it should look like (however, it should be more informative)

Version 2, edited 13 years ago by jhusak (previous) (next) (diff)

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by pfusik

What to do with STIL's per-directory comments? Duplicate them in all SAPs?

Also, cover info and comments can be per-subsong. We need some additional syntax to handle that.

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